How you can give towards our mission and ministry
We firmly believe that the ministry and mission of God is always financed but the people of God. As we called to follow God, we are called to give towards His mission and ministry. Giving of our time, our talents and our treasure (or making financial gifts). We think that this pattern is set out throughout the bible as we read it.
To make this as easy as possible we try to offer as many different ways as possible for us each to give. You can find some of the most popular ways listed below. If you would like to explore and alternative method, then please do contact the church office. In each of the digital methods we use, and if you contact the Church Office, we will ask (if you are a UK tax payer) about making your donation tax efficient.
ways you can give:
As part of our services in the church building, or in the St Barnabas centre there is always an opportunity to give towards our work.
You can email the church office to set up another way of giving not listed here.
Text STJAMES100 to
07380 307800
We will text back to confirm the donation amount and frequency. (Please check the amount carefully)